October 22, 2018
The President receives residents from the Zurrieq and Hal Safi Active Ageing Centres
October 22, 2018
Il-President tilqa' lill-Onor Edward Scicluna, Ministru tal-Finanzi, fil-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta
October 22, 2018
Il-President tilqa' lis-Sur Joe Chetcuti, Direttur Ġenerali tad-Dwana, fil-Palazz ta' Sant' Anton, fejn ġiet ippreżentata bid-Dikjarazzjoni tal-Baġit għall-Iffirmar
October 22, 2018
Speech during the 20th International WAVE Conference in Malta
October 22, 2018
“Violence against women and girls is one of the most prevalent and widespread violations of human rights in the world”: Opening speech by President of Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca at the 20th International WAVE Conference, ‘The Importance of Women’s Specialist Services in Tackling Violence against Women’
October 21, 2018
Il-President tattendi għall-"Elbros Football Marathon" organizzata b'risq il-Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation
October 20, 2018
The President visits the opening of "Step up for Charity," organised in aid of Step up for Parkinson's and the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation
October 20, 2018
The President presides over the launch of a publication entitled 'The Legend of the Witch' by Almikaya Aquilina at San Anton Palace
October 19, 2018
Il-President tippressjedi l-ftuħ uffiċċjali ta' ċentru ta' matul il-jum fiż-Żona ta' Sant' Andrija ġewwa Ħaż-Żabbar
October 19, 2018
Il-President tattendi għal maratona ta' ġbir ta' fondi b'risq ALS Malta