Intervista’ waqt fLiving Show, ma’ Karl Bonaci
Appell mill-President ta’ Malta fuq l-użu tat-tfal fil-kampanja elettorali
Messaġġ lill-Maltin fl-Awstralja fl-okkażjoni ta’ attivita’ organizzata b’risq l-MCCFF
Speech during a seminar for the Staff of the Faculty of Social Wellbeing
Press Conference during the State Visit by the President of Ukraine
State Dinner in honour of The President of Ukraine
Speech during the launch of the publication entitled ‘Stejjer mid-Djar Tagħna’
Remarks Given by H.E Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, on the occasion of Mother’s Day 2017
Speech at the 3rd National Coeliac Conference
Opening Speech at the European Economic and Social Committee Conference
Speech – 4th UN Global Road Safety Campaign – Slow Down, Save Lives