Recorded Message | Workshop entitled ‘POVERTY, INEQUALITY, AND GLOBAL CONFLICT’
Il-Messaġġ tal-President ta’ Malta għal Jum il-Milied u l-ewwel tas-Sena.
Address by Her Excellency Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, at the Mediterranean Tourism Forum with the theme ‘Empowering Tomorrow’
Tnedija ta’ Dokument ta’ Riċerka mill-Osservatorju Nazzjonali għall-Għajxien b’Dinjita’
Commonwealth People’s Forum
Commonwealth Women’s Forum
Address by H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca at the Leaders’ Forum of the 38th Session of the UNESCO General Conference
Launching of the First Project by the President’s Trust – ‘Get-Into’
European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
Il-President tindirizza l-Leaders Forum tal-Konferenza Ġenerali tal-UNESCO
Il-President f’laqgħa mad-Direttur Ġenerali tal-UNESCO Irina Bokova
Minuta Silenzju fil-Konferenza Ġenerali tal-UNESCO