
July 06, 2017
“I urge us all to take this opportunity to embrace a transformational approach to conflict, as part of our vision for the world of tomorrow.”
July 05, 2017
President of Malta and Patron of the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca visits the Union for the Mediterranean
July 04, 2017
“The Tourism Sector has the unique ability to effect substantial social and economic changes, by sustaining dialogue, by building peace, and by creating prosperity.”
July 04, 2017
President Coleiro Preca appointed Special Ambassador of the UNWTO International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development
July 03, 2017
Qed tkunu attivisti biex tibnu kultura ta’ paċi pożittiva marbuta ma’ ġustizzja ambjentali, li hi parti intrinsika mit-twettiq ta’ ġustizzja soċjali”
June 30, 2017
“Let us prioritise a zero-tolerance policy, towards patriarchal violence and oppression, thus creating a global culture of respect and dignity, for the benefit of all the people of our world.”
June 28, 2017
“There is much to be done, to encourage strong synergies among national and international stakeholders, to ensure that each and every child can understand, access, and enjoy the fullness of their universal human rights and fundamental freedoms.”
June 28, 2017
“Let’s start the second decade of FRA by making this, the time, to end the scourge of poverty and other inequalities, as part of our commitment to secure the universal rights and freedoms of all”
June 27, 2017
“We need women to be collaborators in peace building.”
June 26, 2017
“Ftehim li jtini sens ta’ sodisfazzjon u ferħ”
June 24, 2017
L-indirizz tal-President ta’ Malta fl-okkażjoni tal-ftuħ tat-Tlettax-il Parlament
June 24, 2017
“Il-Caritas, matul dawn is-snin kollha kienet fundamentali biex tagħti lura tant ħajjiet għeżież, lil tant familji, u lil Malta tagħna.”
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